
A Darker Shade of Magic - Illustrated Deluxe Edition

Created by Wraithmarked Creative

Book one of V. E. Schwab's New York Times Bestselling 'Shades of Magic' series, brought to you as an illustrated deluxe hardcover!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Quick Check In...
17 days ago – Thu, Aug 22, 2024 at 06:16:17 AM

Hey Everyone!

We wanted to take a moment to remind everyone that you can access your pledge information using the following link and entering the email address on your Kickstarter account. Even though we're still a little ways out on production, it's never a bad idea to hop in to make sure your shipping information is up-to-date!

We'll post a few more reminders about this as we get closer to fulfillment, but along the way, if you have any questions please feel free to message us here on Kickstarter or via email at [email protected]. We're open Monday-Friday 8am-4pm (excluding US holidays).

Initial Reverse Jacket Sketches are in!
25 days ago – Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 07:38:48 AM

Hi everyone!

After working with Victoria to nail the idea, we got initial sketches from Rovina Cai for the direction of the art piece on the back of the dust jacket! She went the extra mile by plotting out how these sketches for the next two books in the series would look as well! Take a look!

We're really excited to see how these take shape and can't wait to complete the series so we can line up all the dust jackets together!


IMPORTANT: Cloth Binding Is Not Viable
about 1 month ago – Thu, Jul 25, 2024 at 05:58:05 AM

Hey guys! Important update for those of you waiting on Wraithmarked deluxe or Edge editions.

A previous printer of ours (not our current printer) had gone to lengths to assure us that our detailed (and usually full-color) illustrations would print well on cloth. Unfortunately we carried this belief over when moving to our current printer and failed to verify with them if that was the case, and as it turns out those promises from the previous printer were (in our opinion) extremely overstated, which we discovered in our recent proofs of THE WAR OF THE WORLDS.

Please take a look below at the comparison of what the art should have looked like versus what it does look like printed on cloth.

We are showing you this to highlight our reasoning behind an important choice we have made moving forward: Starting now, Wraithmarked is moving away from cloth printing on the majority of our other deluxe/Edge editions in favor of high-quality paper (there will be some limited exceptions, like LEGENDS & LATTES, where the art works well on cloth), including projects we have currently in the production pipelines. In the interest of transparency, we’d also like to acknowledge that this means slightly cheaper production costs for Wraithmarked, but not as much as you think. We’re talking about pennies cheaper at the quantities we are printing, not dollars.

Regardless, you have our apologies for the failure to verify that cloth would work with these products, resulting in us moving away from cloth-binding in most of our projects moving forward.

If you have any questions, let us know in the comments below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!

While the reverse jacket art is being worked on... an introduction!
2 months ago – Tue, Jul 09, 2024 at 07:40:31 AM

Hi Everyone!

Since Rovina Cai was taking last month off and is getting back to it, we wanted to take a quick moment to introduce you to a couple members of the Wraithmarked team— and the two people you'll be interacting with the most!

Hi! I'm Eira (pronounced like Ira)

I am in charge of coordinating the campaigns and fulfillment for nearly everything Wraithmarked does. I came to Wraithmarked nearly 2 years ago after spending a little over a decade in the corporate IT world. I bring a lot of that experience with me, but my true passion is storytelling, so I cannot imagine being anywhere else! :)

A couple of quick things about me. I'm an author myself (horror and sci-fi), a published tabletop RPG developer, and a cat mom. When I'm not being a total dork, I hit people for fun while skating with my local roller derby team.

Cat Tax: Kirk, Eira's one-brain-celled boy.

Hey there! I'm Heather, and I'm Eira's underling at Wraithmarked!

In addition to helping out my benevolent overlor- Eira, I'm also head of the Wildcrown brand! You'll likely talk to me if you send us a support message here on Kickstarter or via email. 

Within Wraithmarked, I'm a bit of a nerd. Outside of Wraithmarked... also a nerd. I have my own illustration business which allows me to travel to different conventions and meet some truly fantastic con-goers and fellow artists alike!

I love to get lost in writing and illustrating my own paracosm, my little home away from home. I build Zoids model kits, play too many videogames, and collect trinkets (I just want to be a Khajiit).

Okay, back to Wraithmarked...

We bring all this up to let you all know that when you interact with us, you're talking to real people who have been involved with the creative process from start to finish. It's super important that your experience with us is a good one. While we can't promise completely smooth sailing— manufacturing and distribution are tricky businesses— we will do our best to keep y'all informed as the process progresses.

That's all for today! Just wanted to stop by, give y'all a peek behind the curtain, and say hello! Thanks again for supporting what we do here at Wraithmarked!

Cheers, Eira & Heather

Time for a Surprise!
3 months ago – Mon, Jun 24, 2024 at 07:07:06 AM

Hi Everyone!

We have a fun surprise for you all today! Rovina Kai will be designing a black and white art piece that will be included on the reverse side of the dust jacket!

We haven't gotten the art in yet, so we don't have any sneak peeks for you yet, but once we do get it you can be sure you'll see it in an update here! So stay tuned!